
On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the Kent Civil War Society will hold its regular monthly meeting, beginning at 7:30 PM. The program part of the meeting will be provided by society member Phil Kohari. Phil will speak on the Gettysburg cyclorama.

The public is welcome. The optional pre-meeting dinner will be at Eddy's Deli & Restaurant in Stow, beginning at 5:30 PM.

The meeting will be held in the Roy Smith Shelter at Fred Fuller Park
map & directions

Click on the Bivouac newsletter icon or the telegraph press release icon below for more details as they become available.

***** See the News & Events tab for other items of interest. *****

***** Society News & Information *****

Several guests joined members of the society to experience a dynamic presentation by society member Gary Sellers on the Gettysburg battle and monuments.
Gary took the audience through the battle from the time the armies left Virginia through the climactic Confederate assault on July 3, interspersing descriptions of the action, the stories, past and present, of some monuments and some tidbits of special interest. Gary's understanding of the battle and his intense interest in it were well evident.


Attendees at the February, 2025 meeting voted to donate $100 from the preservation fund to the Gettysburg Foundation to go towards restoration of the Klingel Farmstead.

Suggestions for preservation donation targets can be given to Mark Perkins at the meetings or email us at info@kentcivilwar.org .


The Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College would like to offer the members of the Kent Civil War Society a 15% discount to attend the CWI summer conference June 13-18, 2025. Click here for conference information . Pick up discount information at a society meeting or email us at info@kentcivilwar.org


Speakers from within the society will be needed to fill out the 2025 schedule, so if you have something you can give a presentation on, or you want a reason to do some research, please let the society president Brian Conrad know or email us at info@kentcivilwar.org


For last minute information on the Kent Civil War Society meetings, call the society's meeting information hotline at (330) 474-9362 for a recorded message