
On Tuesday, April 8, 2025, the Kent Civil War Society will hold its regular monthly meeting, beginning at 7:30 PM. The program part of the meeting will be a trivia contest.

The public is welcome. The optional pre-meeting dinner will be at Eddy's Deli & Restaurant in Stow, beginning at 5:30 PM.

The meeting will be held in the Roy Smith Shelter at Fred Fuller Park
map & directions

Click on the Bivouac newsletter icon or the telegraph press release icon below for more details as they become available.

***** See the News & Events tab for other items of interest. *****

***** Society News & Information *****

The Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College would like to offer the members of the Kent Civil War Society a 15% discount to attend the CWI summer conference June 13-18, 2025. Click here for conference information . Pick up discount information at a society meeting or email us at info@kentcivilwar.org


Speakers from within the society will be needed to fill out the 2025 schedule, so if you have something you can give a presentation on, or you want a reason to do some research, please let the society president Brian Conrad know or email us at info@kentcivilwar.org


For last minute information on the Kent Civil War Society meetings, call the society's meeting information hotline at (330) 474-9362 for a recorded message